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英文品名BSA,pH 7.0,IgG & Protease Free,Low Endotoxin,Low Fatty Acid
CAS 号:9048-46-8
级别:Low Fatty Acid Grade
储运条件:+2 to +8
高纯新西兰源牛血清白蛋白冻干粉。依据FDA cGMP 生产。低脂肪酸,无IgG,无蛋白酶,低内毒素 可用于对脂肪酸有要求的相关实验,以及蛋白免疫实验,蛋白标准品,酶稳定剂,细胞培养等实验


Appearance     Yellow to Green with Tan to Green Cast Lyophilized Powder

Purity     ≥ 98.0%

Protein (Dry Basis)     ≥ 98.0%

Moisture     ≤ 5.0%

Ash     < 2%

BIgG     None Detected

NEFA     ≤ 0.05%

Monomer     ≥ 85%

Solubility (4% in water)     Clear to slightly hazy, Yellow to yellow-green

Protease     None Detected

pH (10% Solution in H2O)     6.5-7.5

pH (1% Solution in NaCl)     6.5-7.5

Heavy Metals (Pb)     ≤ 10 ppm

Endotoxin     ≤ 3 EU/mg

APC     ≤ 1,000 cfu/g

Total Coliforms MPN     ≤ 100 MPN/g

Salmonella     Absent/25g

E.coli by MPN     ≤ 10 MPN/g

Asepsis     None Detected

BVD Virus     None Detected

Mycoplasma     None Detected

Pathogen Inducing Cytopathy     None Detected

Pathogen Inducing Haemadsorption     None Detected

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北京吉普赛生物技术有限公司 | 经营证照
地址:北京海淀区上地三街九号金隅嘉华大厦B-412-2;     电话:010-82872118,021-61807279